PNM New Construction Program
A ground-up, comprehensive approach to high-performance buildings
PNM business customers can apply for incentives for implementing more efficient designs and for conducting enhanced building commissioning in new construction.
- New Construction Prescriptive Rebates
- Whole Building Performance
- New Construction Lighting
Items from the prescriptive (pre-set) menu that qualify for new construction rebates include:
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
- Unitary and split air conditioning systems
- Premium-efficiency air source heat pumps
- High-efficiency water and air-cooled chillers
- Packaged terminal air conditioning (PTAC) units
- Packaged terminal heat pumps (PTHP)
- Variable refrigerant flow heat pumps
- Hotel guest room energy management systems (occupancy sensors)
- Indirect evaporative cooling
- High-efficiency food service equipment
- High-efficiency ice makers
- Horticulture
- LED lamps and fixtures
- HVAC equipment
Eligible commercial customers may instead elect to use a whole building approach to efficiency. The whole building new construction rebate includes the following opportunities:
- 10% to 20% electricity savings beyond ASHRAE 90.1-2016 $0.10 per kWh
- Greater than 20% electricity savings beyond ASHRAE 90.1-2016 $0.12 per kWh
Rebates for new construction lighting projects are calculated at $0.30 per watt reduced.
The watts-reduced value is based on Lighting Power Density (LPD) in watts per square foot and is calculated as the LPD values for the new lighting less than baseline LPD values listed in ASHRAE 90.1-2007 for various building types:
- Rebate = (LPD baseline – LPD actual) x Gross Lighted Area x $0.30
New Construction Application
Visit the online application to access the most recent New Construction application.
PNM Authorized Contractors
PNM Authorized Contractors can provide you with estimates, install equipment and assist you with the application process.
Call us at 505-938-9400 or
email energyefficiency@pnm.com
Become a PNM Authorized Contractor
Some of the benefits you can expect by becoming an Authorized Contractor:
- Financial advantage, such as third-party payment of incentives & cash bonuses when available
- Technical, rebate application, and engineering support
- Secure access to real-time program data through the Program Project Portals
- And many more